About The Author

Me but in few paragraphs.
पर्यटन् पृथिवीं सर्वां, गुणान्वेषणतत्परः।
"Those who wish to seek virtues, travel the entire world"

Hey! I am one of the persons who seek the aforementioned virtues. I like to discover new places. I have covered almost all of India and my memory is enriched with all the experiences! Travelling enables me to learn about varied cultures and take in scenic sights. I hope you enjoy reading about these experiences!

Apart from travelling, theatre and drama excites me the most. The focussed light, all the characters at just the right positions and the pin-drop silence in the audience as you deliver the most savoury of the dialogues - Oh, the excitement and the thrill!

I am currently an Under Graduate at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. The field of Microprocessors and their applications astounds me. The amount of logic and aptitude that is required in this field tickels the sweet spots in my brain. (So if you are here after reading my technical blogs, feel free to share your views on the same)